Introducing the Main Interface
When you register on the EducUp Studio platform, you will see an initial interface that is placed in your dashboard view, which contains a main menu on the left side. It has areas or categories (Dashboard, Content, Company, Monetization, Community, Account, Support) that group different functionalities from which you can work.
→ "Dashboard" category
In the Dashboard panel, you will be able to see, in a generalized view, highly relevant statistical data about the progress of your courses with your students and sales. You will be able to group this data into different time intervals. In addition, you will be able to see the completed and pending tasks in the creation of each course as well as a preview of the release notes.
→ "Content" category
This category groups four very important functions:
"My courses" option: This function represents the first step when creating a course or managing the content of those already created. When you enter "My Courses", you will see a panel with all the courses you have created, and the option to add a new course. Read more about creating a course.
"My lessons" option: With this functionality, you can create and share with your students a lesson that does not belong to any particular course. Read more about lessons.
"Learners" option: This functionality is dedicated to displaying data on the number of students registered in your courses over time. It allows you to configure time intervals to have more accurate reports. In addition, it allows you to search for your students, showing detailed information on the registration data of each one.
"Certificates" option: This interface shows all the certificates delivered to your students. It also allows you to perform a search by student that shows the certificates that have been granted.
→ "Company" category
This option will only be visible if you register as a company. It groups together three options that distinguish companies in the tool.
"Course Library" option: Companies have access to a library of courses related to topics of interest to them. This way, they will not only be able to create and train their employees, but they will also be able to learn in the process.
"Users" option: Here you can manage students, view some personal information and progress data, as well as add new users to the desired course.
"Ranking" option: A ranking with the students is displayed.
→ "Monetization" category
This category groups functions associated with details of your sales, we describe each one below:
"Sales" Option: Shows configurable statistics for the time interval you want, on the income generated through sales. It also has a search engine that allows you to find the details of each student's sales.
"Subscriptions" option: Here you can see configurable statistics in the time interval you want, related to your students' subscriptions over time as well as transaction history. Additionally, you will be able to view and edit the web page of your plans and benefits.
"Premiums" Option: Show configurable statistics for the time interval you want, on the total of your premium students. It also has a search engine that allows you to find the details of each premium student.
"Wallet" Option: The Wallet section allows you to review the sales transactions of your courses, control your balance and manage bank accounts. Read more about Wallet and account setup.
→ "Community" category
This category groups two functions associated with details of your community, we describe each one below:
"Contests" Option: A very interesting function that will allow you to create contests for your students. In this view you will also be able to see all the contests that you have created over time.
"Groups" option: In this option you can create groups with your students and manage the information of those already created.
→ "Account" category
This category groups 4 options associated with details of your profile, we describe each one below:
"Profile" Option: The user profile is a fundamental part of our platform, since it allows you to manage your information, and this is precisely what the "Profile" option will allow you to do. You can see all the detailed information in our article "Set up your educator profile".
"API Key" option: In this interface you can manage everything related to API Keys. The EducUp API exposes a group of functionalities that allow educators and companies to interact with EducUp in a more robust and sophisticated way. If you want to know in more detail how to work with this functionality, we recommend reading the article Integrate your courses using the EducUp API.
"Billing" option: This interface shows everything related to subscription plans and benefits. You will be able to see the current plan you are on, details such as its benefits and expiration date, as well as the ability to change plans if you wish. Read more about subscription plans.
"Notifications" option: A very simple and intuitive interface that shows you a history of notifications and also a search bar that allows you to filter by any search criteria related to the notification.
→"Support" category
This category groups 4 options associated with details of your profile, we describe each one below:
"Academy" Option: We have an academy in EducUp Studio to advise our educupers on many topics such as training courses on the platform, sales, etc.
"Contact us" option: This option displays a panel where it gives you the different communication channel options with the support team.
"Community" Option: We invite you to join our community on Discord.
"Release notes" option: Show a history with your release notes.
And that's it for our article dedicated to showing you all the functionalities of our Main Menu, we hope you found the information useful!!!