Within a topic in EducUp Studio, learning activities play a crucial role in students' interaction with the course content. These are the place where course content comes to life.
For more details about the structure of a course in EducUp Studio, visit the article "Structure of a course in EducUp Studio".
→ Create a new learning activity
Step 1: Access the lesson
Log in to your EducUp Studio account and select the course, content tab, module, topic and lesson to which you want to add a learning activity.
Step 2: Explore the lesson
Within the lesson view, in the content tab, locate the "Add activity" button at the top right and click on it.
Step 3: Add a Learning Activity
Choose the type of activity you want to add. If you want detailed information about all the types of activities available, we recommend you consult the article: Types of learning activities.
Step 4: Set up the activity
Add the information within the template of the learning activity you have selected.
Step 5: Save
Click the "Create" button to finish creating the learning activity. You can always return to it to edit it whenever you want.
→ Duplicate a learning activity
Step 1: Access the lesson within which the activity you want to duplicate is located.
Log in to your EducUp Studio account and select the course, content tab, module, topic and lesson in which you want to duplicate the learning activity.
Step 2: Explore the learning activity
Within the lesson view, locate the learning activity you want to duplicate.
Step 3: Access the learning activity
Click on the learning activity you want to duplicate to access its content.
Step 4: Duplicate the learning activity
Within the learning activity, find and click the "Clone" button, you will be able to choose whether to duplicate the activity within this round or select lesson.
→ Delete a learning activity
Step 1: Access the lesson within which the activity you want to delete is located.
Log in to your EducUp Studio account and select the course, content tab, module, topic and lesson in which you want to delete a learning activity.
Step 2: Explore the learning activity
Within the lesson view, locate the learning activity you want to delete.
Step 3: Access the learning activity
Click on the learning activity you want to delete to access its content.
Step 4: Delete the learning activity
Within the learning activity, find and click the "Delete" button.